Be Skeptical: Science vs. Hype

There are many, many so-called “solutions” to balding or a receding hairline out there, but it is always wise to be skeptical about any claim unless there are published studies supporting that claim. In addition, the studies should be done by an independent source, not just the company selling or promoting the product. Furthermore, even for the legitimate, science-based solutions, it is important to know what type of solution is appropriate for each situation. For example, even though Rogaine (minoxidil) is a well-known and effective hair loss solution for men, relying on Rogaine alone to stop hair loss may not work in some cases. In addition, there are certain things it may not be able to do when it comes to hair loss, such as grow new hair on some completely bald spots. Even among the good solutions, not every solution targets every problem in hair loss. You need to choose a specific solution for your specific situation.

Among the legitimate solutions, you need to also be careful who you are buying the solution from. Some solutions can be good solutions in general (such as hair transplant surgery), but if the company or surgeon does not have a good reputation or cannot produce good results, you need to avoid that company or surgeon. It is wise to always be skeptical before you dole out your money to someone promising a solution to your hair loss.

When you come across a new hair loss product or “solution,” a good rule of thumb is to research whether or not any scientific studies or clinical trials have been conducted that support its effectiveness. Make sure you only spend money on something that has good research supporting it.

Hair Loss Products

Products advertised as “hair loss products” include finasteride (Proscar and Propecia), minoxidil (Rogaine), low-level laser therapy (LLLT), “hair omega” pills, Viviscal supplements, Revivogen, saw palmetto, hair thickening shampoos, etc. Not all hair loss products are created equal, however. In order to decide whether or not you want to spend money on something, find out whether or not there have been any peer-reviewed studies demonstrating its effectiveness. If there are no studies showing its effectiveness, it is probably a waste of money. I discuss many of these products on my website here, along with links to various studies, so you can decide for yourself what might be worth using or not.

Hair Loss Treatments/Procedures

Hair loss treatments involve more expensive solutions such as hair transplant surgery. If you can afford it and have decided to undergo one of these treatments to address your hair loss, be certain you do your homework when deciding on a specific surgeon or clinic.

For hair transplant surgery, there are two essential things the surgeon must have before you trust them with your hair: experience and good results. Check the website to see how many years of experience the person has had specifically with hair transplants. (Being board-certified is definitely important.) Take a good look at Before & After photos of actual patients, and decide if you are satisfied with the results. While pictures are definitely not 100% reliable (and can often be manipulated to create the appearance of good results), at the very least, make sure the pictures aren’t bad!

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