Restore Hair that was Lost

Perhaps you have already lost a substantial amount of hair, and want to gain that hair back and have a full head of hair again. Or perhaps you have just lost a small amount of hair and are already taking steps to halt hair loss, but you still want to restore your hairline to where it was previously. Using methods that slow down or stop hair loss (such as finasteride, minoxidil, low-level laser therapy, etc.) will not cause new hair to grow in completely bald areas. Thus, in order to bring your hairline back to where it was originally or fill in the top of your head after it has gone bald, you essentially have two options:

Hair Transplant Surgery. A hair transplant surgery involves extracting hair from the back and sides of the head (where the hair is resistant to the effects of DHT) and transferring that hair to the bald areas of your head. Since the hair comes from a region where DHT cannot affect it (called the “donor site”), the new hair will grow permanently. There are two types of hair transplant surgery: FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation), which involves harvesting and transplanting strips of hair, and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), which takes smaller, individual “packets” of hair. FUT is less expensive, but it leaves a permanent linear scar on the back of the head, which usually can be covered up with the hair that remains.

This is an excellent way to restore hair to areas of your head where hair was lost. However, note that the amount of hair you can use is limited by the amount of hair available on the back of your head. Thus, you may not be able to completely restore ALL of the hair you once had (depending on the stage of baldness you are at), but a hair transplant will most definitely improve the amount of hair you have.

Another thing to be aware of is the possibility of “shock loss.” Shock loss is the shedding of hair that occurs due to the effects of the surgery. Many times, the hair loss is temporary and the hair grows back. You need to be aware of the possibility of shock loss (and that you may permanently lose that hair), and make sure you thoroughly question a potential hair transplant surgeon on your personal risk for that.

Hair Replacement. Hair replacement does not have the same restrictions or risks that a hair transplant does, since hair replacement is non-surgical and there is an unlimited supply of hair available. It involves a hair “system” that is installed on your scalp and grows. The system is composed of real human hair that grows along with your real hair. It requires maintenance at a clinic roughly once every month. This is a great option if you want to completely restore your “full head of hair” look and restore your hairline to exactly where it was before you started experiencing hair loss. However, it is less natural than the hair transplant option, since it does not involve your own hair.  This video shows a good example of someone who has used a hair replacement system to restore his hairline before going mostly bald.

As noted, hair replacement does not have the same risks that a hair transplant surgery does. That is why you need to be more cautious when considering hair transplant surgery than you do if you just want a non-surgical hair replacement. When planning a hair transplant surgery, choose a surgeon with:

Many years of experience specifically in hair transplant surgery.
A good “Before & After” photo gallery with results that YOU like.
Board-certification in cosmetic surgery (at least), member of American Board of Hair Restoration.

Also, check out more than one hair transplant clinic and talk to various surgeons before moving forward. Probably the biggest risk you need to be concerned about is the possibility of permanent “shock loss” of hair you still have after receiving a hair transplant surgery. In many cases, the hair will grow back, but it is still possible that it won’t. Talk to a surgeon about this as well before moving forward.

There are many, many men who have experienced hair transplant surgery and are very satisfied with the results, so this could be a great option if you want to restore some of the hair you lost. If you don’t want the risks of hair transplant surgery and you don’t want any restrictions on the amount of hair needed, you can try the non-surgical hair replacement system. However, it will not be as natural as a hair transplant because it does not contain your own hair growing in your scalp naturally.