“Help! I’ve gone completely bald. Is it too late?”

Absolutely not! Whether you want to opt for shaving your head like tons of other successful and respected men have or you want to restore that look of having a full head of hair, there is certainly hope. Actually, everything I wrote in “My Hairline Has Receded Substantially and I am Losing (or Have Lost) the Hair on my Crown” applies to you, with the exception of needing to maintain hair. There are basically two options for restoring hair to your head, if that’s what you want to do:

1. Hair Transplant Surgery
2. Hair Replacement (using a hairpiece)

Hair transplant surgery will probably not bring your hairline back to its original position (since there is a limited hair supply in the back of your head), but it will certainly fill in some gaps and restore a substantial amount of hair. Many men have undergone this surgery and are satisfied with it.

If you want that look of a complete and full head of hair, your only option (at least with current technology) is probably virtual hair replacement, which involves using a hairpiece. There are no limitations to the amount of hair you will want to use or the hair style you would want. It also gives a very natural look, as you can see from these photographs – assuming this clinic is reliable!

So whether you want to go Jason Statham or Bruce Willis, or you want to bring back a full head of hair, there are satisfying options for you! Good luck in your decision.

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